Carlos Jiménez
My name is Carlos Jimenez and I'm a character development and concept artist. I've designed characters, environments and some cool graphic stuff mainl
Activity Feed
Carlos Jiménez
I did a little tutorial of how to study human figure (digital painting based on traditional painting)
Erik Simmons
Hey Carlos, love how you rendered the armor. To me the values are very clear and the shapes of the plating are nicely balanced. However, what I noticed is that the values in the right hand seem to make it look more like a claw than a hand that has five fingers. Also, the gauntlet on the right forearm seems like it would be difficult for the arm to bend. Maybe if you rework the plating arrangement it would appear to be more functional. Clearly this is subjective but hopefully it was helpful. Cheers!
Piece I've been working, any C&C welcome :)
Stephen Hopkinson
Wow those are awesome! Where do you find the Skelly model for the skull model please?
@Carlos Jiménez Cool! I really like your figure drawings! Although, if you allow me some critique, I don't know, I think I'd tone down the hatching lines a little bit on some of them. When the hatching is subtle, as in the last drawing, I think it's nice, but when it gets heavier, as in the second one (Chanon from the back), I think it looks a bit like hair and starts to feel a little bit odd - at last to my eye. If you're really into line hatching, you could maybe work it out in a different way - perhaps with an even finer line and working with several layers of crossing strokes? Or maybe mix up some hatch lines with flatter areas of shadow. It's just some thoughts - I'm no hatching expert. :) But I suppose some experimentation could do good. Hope this helps!
Yes I agree :) I think I wasn't thinking too much about it, but you're right it seems odd, I will try to hatch in a different way :)
Adam Wiebner
Asked for help
Shoulder Bone Assignment Example - Front View. This one was tricky because of subtle foreshortening
I think is good, just I seem some minor adjustments like the structure of the rib cage and the consistency on the perspective, otherwise is good.
I think these look stunning! I love the fourth one, I can really feel the weight of gravity on her hips and breasts. Also, very good anatomy!
Yes it's difficult to represent the weight I'm almost the study No. 50 of these :)