Christle Panickar
Perth, Australia
Complete beginner that was never confident in drawing on my own but now I am learning to trust myself.
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Christle Panickar
added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
Day 7: decided to draw some lamps in my sketchbook instead. Also some kangaroos that turned out ugly but not everyday is perfect 😁 Trying out the principle of "If you make a mistake, just move on to the next one". Developing a habit where I tell myself that its ok to fail.
Christle Panickar
Day 2: Tyrion Lannister
Been rewatching game of thrones lately for some reason.
Christle Panickar
I skipped this one because I was afraid to commit but I'm ready to give it a go now.
Day 1: Bee
I really enjoyed these master studies so much! Here's my attempt at these ones...
Christle Panickar
Ooooooh! This one was hard since I know nothing about anatomy but I tried.
Also line weight is so hard to get right on the ipad!
Christle Panickar
Asked for help
Since I took so long to finish the other master study I did, I decided to push myself and do one more by another artist before I move on to the next lesson. Here's another master study I did of one of my favourite artist, Loish.