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added comment inShoulder Bone Assignment Example - Side View
I also have a question about the perspective here; I really don't see the clavicle like the way Stan has drawn it, which is from above. I read the horizon as about the glenoid cavity, which would mean we are looking slightly up at the clavicle wouldn't it? Another way to put it is, how much of the thoracic inlet do we see from this perspective? It looks flat to me, which would make the clavicle at least mostly horizontal. Am I missing something?
chantelle holt
yes i agree.
Asked for help
tried to overlay stan's drawings onto the photo to understand it better. even more confused.
Here is my lame attempt. It's quick because I have homework to do tonight. I hope this helps.
I think there is a misunderstanding. When I view Stan's drawing sessions, I see him creating the images without the use of calipers -- he's using his eyes and estimating where stuff should go (eyeballing). Sometimes those drawings can be off when comparing to the model. I like to use both eyeballing and measuring techniques. My measured drawings take a lot more time, but I would expect those to match up when I overlay my drawing on top of the model. On the other hand, I would also expect that my drawings created using the eyeballing method might not match the model. I find great value in practicing both methods. Good luck! I look forward to seeing your attempts.
maybe try overlaying again, but this time see if aligning the rib cage gives you a more accurate overlay =)