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Carl Harrison
added comment inHow to Draw Balanced Poses
Asked for help
Hello all, these are my second batch of balance and construction drawings. I have found the exercise challenging in breaking the body down into forms and would really appreciate feedback on the construction and balance of the figure drawings presented here.
Matt Haslett
Carl, really nice poses. Your line work is clear and each of your limbs have good dimension. For example, in drawings 4 and 5 I can tell that you used a box to give the "cylinder" of the legs depth and perspective, and it worked nicely.
John Harper
Very nice.
Andrew Knolla
Hi Carl. These all look really good to me - balanced, clean, and well constructed. The proportions all look really good to me except that the ankles look too thin in most of them. And the first one would read better if you included a basic indication of what he is sitting on or leaning against.
Carl Harrison
Asked for help
Hello all first time posting work here,
I’m working my way through the figure fundamentals course and I’ve just finished one half of the exercise on balanced poses lesson. I’ve also been focusing on mannequinization as well as balance. I’ve found mannequinization a real challenge and here is where I am at currently in my practice. I would really appreciate feed back as I want to make sure I’m making the right progress, my long term goal is to be able to drawing the figure from imagination confidently.
look forward to hearing from you all.