Reggie Cox
Reggie Cox
Currently 29 years old and a newly aspiring comic artist. My interest in art start at age 25, but decided I finally wanted to this art endeavor a go!
Activity Feed
Steve Lenze
Hey Reggie, You did a nice job drawing your pear and mapping out your shadow. What can make it hard to see the lights is if we don't squint. Squinting will help you see what is dark and what is light. One of the things that is confusing you, is that you made the local value of the pear the value of the paper. It is actually darker than that, it is what is called the "local value", which is the value of the object in the light. I'm sorry if this sounds confusing, so I did a little sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Reggie Cox
This actually makes perfect sense, I am going to redo this exercise with this advice in mind. Thank you for the feedback!
Reggie Cox
I used CSI to simplify the snail in the reference photo, I was determined not to draw any details. Any feedback would be helpful.
Reggie Cox
This is my second attempt after watching Proko's breakdown of the snail. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Reggie Cox
Working on shading the pair from reference.... any critiques?
Reggie Cox
Guys, I feel like I am struggling with the lighter shadows I can't tell whether it's right or not. I can tell my cast shadow is off though. Any critiques?
Reggie Cox
Haven't received my graphite pencils yet, so I had to do this with the Staedtler 780c. Any critiques? Should the shadow be wrapping around the form?
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