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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
did a few longer gestures
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did a few longer gesture drawing’s but most of them are 30 seconds.
also having difficulty drawing people that Aren’t in side view.
I think there are some nicely done curved lines and motions in some of your gestures, specifically with the legs and torso.
Originally I was going to say I'd like to see what your gestures are like with more time and thought put into them but I can see you posted more below.
You had asked about proportions and I kind of wonder if at this point its something worth dwelling on. I think you could use some more time into the actual gestures first as some of the figures seem to lack a little confidence in the lines (a lot of reworking the lines) or the curves themselves seem to lack a little bit of fluidness that your 30 sec gestures have.
Loomis head studies. Feedback welcome.
Had some difficulty with more extreme perspectives any tips?
Asked for help
Gesture drawing practice. Feedback very much welcome.
Also any tips on how to improve proportion in my gesture drawings?
This is my first time drawing this head from the front view and I feel like my proportions are off in several areas, looking for critiques
Hello! It's a late reply, but I'd like to point out how the cranial mass (width of the head) shouldn't be a full circle when viewed from the front. If you notice in the video, at around 1:10, Stan chops off a bit of the circle, then applies the ellipse on either side of the cranium, making the head not as round as a full circle.
Also, if you refer to the 3D model of the loomis head provided in this course, it doesn't quite match up to the information given in this video. Stan shows the head from above (at 0:38) showing how the head tapers towards the front. The head is less wide in front than it is at the back. However, the 3D model shows the side planes as perfectly flat, so it isn't quite accurate.
I got confused when I tried tracing over people's faces in the front view using the Loomis method, until I reviewed this video again. Hope this helps.
Nice page! Double check the thirds of the face. Right now they're not quite reading even in the drawings. Then compare the width to height ratio of the head. One thing I've found helpful the figuring out which point the jaw changes angles to connect down at the chin , is to envision a strait line connecting from the left to right side of it and paying attention to where that lines up with the other features such as the lips, chin, etc.
Asked for help
First time doing loomis heads I think they look decent but I feel like somethings off, looking for feedback
Hey there! You are doing well for firt try. But I can tell what is your problem is. İt's a form and perspective issue. Loomis head is basically a combination of a box and a sphere. I'm talking about a box, really. And this important because in your drawing, you don't really give the sense of a 3D shape, it looks like a bunch of line floating in the air. You have to develop your sense of 3D space, shapes and perspective drawing skills. I have couple of exercise that you can do in a daily basis.
First of all, draw a sphere, and think about that sphere has lines around of it. Draw these lines. Do this over and over again until you became comfortable about it. And with that, draw boxes from any angle. Proko has a video about it. Check it out. This will help you to draw in perspective.
Secondly, draw the Loomis head but instead of using spheres, use boxes. I dropped an example for that in the below. This will help you to understand the 3D'ness of the head.
Last but not least, draw the Loomis head. Practice makes perfect at all. And by the way, you must do this exercises over and over again. This is not something to be done on the first try.
Lastly, I'll put some 3D models can help you. Don't rely on them please, they are only tools but you are the one that has skills.
(English is not my native language, so if there is something you don't understand, tell me.)
Good work:)