Blane Nasveschuk
Joy creating visually! Variety of media. Love landscape, urban en plein air travel sketching. Interested in human form, portraits.
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Blane Nasveschuk
added comment inHow to Analyze Gesture in Art
Tried multiple figure gesture drawing… also a Rubens. Patterns of visual flow the artist created very interesting to study and draw. Gave it my best shot.
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Ten gestures from imagination. Challenging.
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Again gesture drawings from Master’s reference. Re-drew 1 or 2 previously posted. Interpreting hidden body positions more challenging than when anatomy is clearly visible.
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Few more gestures from Master’s Figures. So sorry for the complexity. Trying to interpret that which is covered and possibly foreshortened is a guess at best. I try options and perspectives (after using a pound of eraser), settle on one that seems to work then post. I really appreciate the elegance of simple, definitive and accurate. Sorry for > 17 strokes. Not there yet.
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Gesture from Master’s figures. Trying to understand positioning of the pelvis by adding in the box form. Started out on the sculpture too small. Problems with “kid Cupid”
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Gesture from figures in Masters paintings (4 of 10). Used imagination when drawing gesture of body parts not visible. Paintings from Philadelphia Art Museum and Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Takes a bit for the proportions to sink in. Fourth iteration. Two ovals of similar dimensions for the lateral head drawing… I must have a bias for drawing horizontal ovals too long. More alien than human, unintended consequence.
Blane Nasveschuk
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I can see how exercising in this way would help hone fine motor skills to be more confidently definitive. Made best attempt to relax, breath and have fun!