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I attempted a master study of Karl Kopinski since he is my favorite artist. I am not too please with them, they both have proportional issues and I feel like Karl's laid back "lazy" lines are so much harder to recreate than they look. I think I will attempt another master study with more intentional line quality, but I thought I would post this since it is good to recognize drawings that you're not necessarily happy with.
This assignment was fun. One thing I need to work on is simplification. Everything I did was still smooth, but I feel like everything I did might have been too much copying and not enough sketching I guess.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice job! Clean, simple shapes, nice line quality, fairly accurate proportions on each. The curled fingers on the hand feel a little small and not connected to the palm correctly, so you could try to lightly sketch in the construction of the palm, knuckles, and fingers before committing to the final lines, the but other than that you nailed these! Keep it up!
Here is my take on the level 1 csi references, i tried to fit them on one page so it is a bit cramped but I am happy with them. Let me know what you think!
This is my drawing of pear 2. I tried to use a wider variety of pencils. I used a 4B for the main shadows of the pear and an 8B for the cast shadow. I used HB for everything else, lmk what you think!
Looks Great @bclark
This is my first pear. I definitely struggled to find the mid tones so that I could accentuate the highlights. I did stick with only an HB and I think if I had a softer pencil to make shadow areas darker, I would have been more comfortable making my midtones.
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice work!
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