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Johannes Schiehsl
added comment inProject - Simplify from Observation
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I struggled, especially with the portrait.
Audrey Bishop
These are awesome! I love the different levels of simplification you did with the pear.
Samuel Lemons
Asked for help
This is great! I think you did a really nice job of keeping consistent and clear values
Audrey Bishop
Asked for help
Assignment #1 Level 2 attempt-
The toughest parts was definitely keeping the values distinct. I had to remind myself not to let the shapes mush together.
Turning the softer shadows in the reference photo into defined shapes was particularly tricky. I think some of them are too dark when compared to the shadow areas.
Next time I might do a value scale to keep better track of the 5 different value tones I should divide the reference into.
Really nice separation - and I love the idea of doing a value scale; that would have helped me alot I think.