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Asked for help
Hey, that’s my final assignment for figure drawing course. I’m happy because at the beginning of July I had little idea on how to draw a human. There is still for sure a lot to learn and I’m going to practice all the time. Can you see something I can do better with this guy?
I was going to suggest overlays to check your work but it looks like @Jesper Axelsson has done that for you! His advice is on point. Horizontals, Verticals and angles.
I would also add that you're figures are pretty darn close! At some point you have to ask yourself how close do you want/need to get. How much creativity do you want to inject in your work? Do you want to be able to copy the photo perfectly?
Hope that helps! Keep drawing through effort you will become a master. Just gotta put in the time :)
Hi @asgota, really nice drawings!
- You seem to be well aware of plumb lines and vertical allignemts. I would also recommend checking horizontal allignments.
- Certain angles seem a little of. Horizontal allignments will help with this, but keeping an extra eye on the angles might be a good idea.
- I would recommend paying more attention to the thickness of the parts of the body. In the first one, you've made his torso and upper leg thicker and the arm thinner than in the reference.
Hope this helps :)
Asked for help
Hi, i’ve been practicing gesture this week quite a lot, those are some of them. Now, I think I will start with the bean and still practice gesture. What do you guys think of them?
I think I'm seeing some very nice gestures and not just contours in images 3-5. I'm especially appreciating how you are drawing the limbs, they have a nice level of curve complexity and transition that I think works well.
Asked for help
Hi, I’m new to this community and just purchased figure drawing course and watched the first lesson. There is for sure a lot to learn but I’ll do my best and see what happens. These are my first attempts. They are quite messy but if you have something to advise on those I would be more than happy 😊. Today I’m also planning on watching the second lesson and compare my figures with those made by Stan. Have a nice day everybody