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added comment inDigital Painting Fundamentals
Hello there!
i‘ve seen Stan‘s update post here, but I‘m still on the fence of buying this course. Is this being completed?
Yes it is! Starting with the Materials section we've begun working with additional instructors like Jeremy Vickery, Marco Bucci, and more in Part 2. There are just a couple critique videos left in Part 1 and Part 2 will begin shortly after the critiques go out!
Just before watching the demo.
I was quite scared of proportions, which in the end were not the main issue. Shading a larger area is pretty difficult and also I seem to press too much, 6B almost never makes a difference anymore and then I tend to make the light colors too light? Either way, as I see myself as a complete noob this turned out slightly better than expected while exposing areas that I need to work on! (consistent shading, lighting, proportions)
Any other critique / areas of improvement that you spot that I should look into?
Asked for help
First pear was before the demo, other two pears after the demo. Two major problems I had were proportions (some areas were very off and overall shape was sometimes much thicker than the original) and uniform shading.
Also finding the right (and consistent) level of simplification wasn't easy sometimes.
The second pear image (that I drew) had a weird light reflection on the photo at the bottom in a dark area, here is another angle.