Activity Feed
i dont know if i did this right, i will do more line studies of course
Martha Muniz
I like how you captured the line weight as it organizes the different sections of the creature. It's also cool to see how the artist used line weight to emphasize shadow regions, especially under the crevices of the arm and legs as they bend-- definitely worth noting. If you continue to practice line studies, I would recommend searching for something with a clear use of lines. Sometimes, a piece can get too painterly and rendered that the lines are harder to study from for this project. Take a look at the lesson notes, there are some fantastic suggestions for artists if you are looking for inspiration :)
I definitely misunderstood the assignment, I did the sketch and covered it with the outline
The proportions are pretty good. Well done
Asked for help
When I finish the lvl 1 I actually like them and wanted to do the lvl 2 as well
im a little ahead on the course and keep forgetting to submit the assignment.
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