Aimee Martinez
Aimee Martinez
I love to draw!
Activity Feed
Gurpreet Singh
Week 3-- 5 minute hands and feet sketches! Got a bit late but the challenge was fun!
Aimee Martinez
Look at those shapes! I love the grouping of the toes and fingers!!
Aimee Martinez
Week 3! Thank you for the challenge! It was very handy and toe-tally fun :)
Wow! I especially like your fist in the top right
week 2, third submission. I'm getting better :D
Aimee Martinez
Oooh I love the exaggeration! Very flowy~
Aimee Martinez
Week 2! 12 poses, 5 minutes! Excited for week 3! Learning a lot!
Aimee Martinez
5 minute and 1 minute! Colored the 5 minute afterward for readability There are some repeat poses, I'm ready to learn! :)
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