Yiming Wu
Chengdu/Xi'an, China
Hi It's yiming here and I draw planes and learning stuff
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Gannon Beck
added comment inProject - Wheels on Vehicles
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Busy week this week, but I wanted to participate before the deadline.
Great job, everyone!
Yiming Wu
This is pretty well done! Everything looks properly solid
Hi there mate!
Actually for anything color/value kind of topic I would almost always give credit to the 10 minutes to better painting videos from Macro Bucci It also specifically gives you the very insight on how to practice grayscale->color process and the best point of introducing color in there!
The main thing I believe you think "bleh" on some simple shape is that there are no contex in the image so everything appear floating and out of touch, or appear as something you copy/pasted onto a blank page. Context is important, because object would interact with them. Specifically in 2d painting, edges would blend in certain places, both for artistic visuals and more importantly for (de) emphasizing certain parts of the image to make other parts appear more attractive and dynamic. Marco also talked in his video on edges.
I believe your skeleton/mannequin drawings are already good enough to start painting colors in them. Give it a go!
Yiming Wu
To me the two things that immediately jumped out is the lack of water reflection of the white female body in the center, and the left figure looking a bit wonky.... Otherwise to my eyes this piece looks overall very solid. I especially love the tone and lighting of that male figure.
This image on first glance looks like it has the look of those classic galley-ish paintings. Could be nice to polish a bit more maybe? like the crop could potentially be on a wall or something :D
Jan D.
Sounds interesting! So sick of always having some weird problems with the bloated photoshop. my canvas keeps flickering!:D
Yes, just so it happens... Just would like to tell you guys I'm making this home-brew painting software. This is mainly to get around the somewhat-slow performance of MyPaint, and also to avoid too much cluttering in programs like Photoshop and Krita etc. I'm posting it here also on proko and hopefully there can be people interested in such kind of thing and may give some input too.
This program works fully on GPU so it's observably faster in processing brush dabs, and I made it to support infinite canvas just like what MyPaint does. It doesn't yet have advanced color mixing like MixBox or other spectrum-based pigment mixing, but that should come later.
I plan to share this project/program on the internet too when it's more polished and useable, then this can be a super lightweight alternative to most other heavier art programs.
Yiming Wu
And yes, by uploading to proko and it did yet another conversion trip due to image down-scaling, it's not as bad when I noticed happening in my project files tho
I remember seeing a problem in photoshop a while back where I was getting terrible banding on a painting but turned out to be only a problem with the way photoshop was displaying the image. Was fine after i exported to png.
A new painting I've done a while ago (Hey I'm posting on proko form again! lol after like Idk how long It's been busy :D)
This was also from one of my older thumbnails, which happens to be dark. To me there's a bit struggle to control the exposure outside the window.
The side note about the using very dark regions (value<16/255) in 8 bit non-linear sRGB would lose quite a bit precision when repeatedly opening/editing/saving the file depends on the software you are using. I was on MyPaint for this piece and since the canvas convert everything to linear brightness while working and when saving it would convert it back to non-linear 8 bit sRGB, anything that's really dark gets clipped and shown as mostly a flat color. Node in PS or Krita or some other tools they might not necessarily convert the canvas when drawing, but a lot of their brush tools do mixing in linear brightness, which would cause precision problem in very dark regions when your images are 8bits. I discovered this round-trip conversion problem pretty late, had to go into the image and redarken/lighten a lot of places but the result isn't ideal. So I decide to tell you guys to take node when you have dark stuff in your images.
(Finally, just saw new episode of Draftsman S4 dropping? that's super awesome! Good job team!)
Yiming Wu
I think you got the shape pretty nicely done. I would probably say the edges doesn't have much variations. The shadow needs to be tighter/sharper when it's closer to the apple. Also the edge of the apple seems to be uniformly sharp, to a point it almost looks like the apple is pasted on top. Try adding a bit stronger reflections of those yellow towards the edge of the apple and it will show as "in context" a bit more.
keep up the great work!