Join me as I explore how to capture motion and energy through sketches, moving beyond technical skills to express feeling.
This lesson encouraged me and now I am hooked on how to improve movement (progressing slowly)

Jon Passig
Thank you for speaking on this stuff. Ironically enough around the 13 minute point of the video when you talk about being locked into technicalities that are taught in school like vanishing points, perspective grids, proportion etc, I got a lot of that from I guess what would be considered 'constructive drawing' from Draw A Box and other stuff. Spent my first couple of years being unable to conceive of drawing as anything but having to draw things as a correct shape shape to warp or construct on within a correct perspective and perfect lines- and have spent the last couple trying to break down those habits and ya know, actually draw.
That kind of stuff does have a time and place but for as much as it's emphasized and repeated by educators online, it really can get in the way of the process of learning.