Sculpting the Female Figure in Clay - Part 2
Sculpting the Female Figure in Clay - Part 2
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Sculpting The Figure

Sculpting the Female Figure in Clay - Part 2


Sculpting the Female Figure in Clay - Part 2

Andrew Joseph Keith
In this lesson, I’ll walk you though the final steps for sculpting the female figure.
Recently I feel very delightful emotion through the sculpting which is learned from you. first of all thank you so much. if you can, i hope your deeply advice for a my works. for example better way to more anatomical form or your sincere feedback. have a nice day!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nicely done this is really coming along! Without knowing what the references look like I would suggest trying to get a better structure for the primary forms. Here it feels like the secondary forms of the anatomy are built on a shaky foundation underneath and so when the surface is more finished it feels a little unnatural. I think softening the forms and pushing the gestures throughout the figure might also help. Way to go and It's great to see you're working so hard on these sculptures! Keep it up and with every sculpture you'll get better!
Zeina Baron
Hello ! It took me 5 days, but I know I can’t get better result. Thanks for your advice in advance 🙏
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! I might try to push the gesture of the features a little bit more. the legs feel a bit stiff/straight. Looking for gesture in the legs and arms and parts of the body can help. Keep it up!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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