Handling Paint on the palette | Beginner's Watercolor Tutorial

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Handling Paint on the palette | Beginner's Watercolor Tutorial

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The palette I'm using is a Mijello 18 wells palette (affiliate link). It's my current favorite for painting indoors.

Just to emphasize - it's not as good for working outside, as it doesn't have a thumb ring / strap. But it IS wonderful for working on a table inside (:


If you are a beginner, some of this may seem overwhelming, but I want to  reassure you. It all becomes 100% intuitive with practice. So I wouldn't sweat the details. I'd just put a lot of emphasis on practicing a lot. I can attest that it took me at least 6 months or so to start feeling more comfortable with, and aware of what I cover in this video.

So give it a go, and I wish you lots of success!

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