Double Split Complementary Palette Basics
Double Split Complementary Palette Basics
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Digital Painting Fundamentals

Double Split Complementary Palette Basics

Course In Progress

Double Split Complementary Palette Basics

Course In Progress
Let’s take a look at how using a double split complementary palette can help simplify color choices to ensure a cohesive, colorful painting without being overwhelmed by too many hues. First decide on the light source's temperature and its complementary shadow color. Choose two colors for light and two for shadow. Then block in local colors and shadows, ensuring color harmony throughout. Use blending modes and soft edges to integrate colors smoothly, and refine details like ambient occlusion and highlights.
Jumana Saadeh
Marco Bucci’s color demos and lessons have single handedly saved my paintings. I can’t wait to try out the assignments
onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
The demo and the example Marco created in it look amazing. I never knew a limited palette could produce such a fun work. I want to master it, but I feel it would take 10 years or more. I'll post assignments this weekend.
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We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Marco Bucci began serious study of art when he was 19. He began with drawing fundamentals for 3 years before discovering a love for painting.
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