Critique - Color
Critique - Color
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Digital Painting Fundamentals

Critique - Color

Course In Progress

Critique - Color

Course In Progress

What's in Premium?

In the premium lesson, you'll learn how to enhance your sphere studies by exploring a full range of grays and saturation levels. You'll discover techniques for placing shadows correctly and softening edges to make your objects appear more realistic. The lesson dives into managing color saturation, understanding light and shadow, and using edges effectively to add depth. You'll also get tips on composition and value to improve contrast and guide the viewer's eye, along with general painting advice on ambient occlusion and avoiding repetitive patterns.

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About instructors
We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Marco Bucci began serious study of art when he was 19. He began with drawing fundamentals for 3 years before discovering a love for painting.
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