Assignment - Colorization
Assignment - Colorization
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Character Design Monster Lab


Assignment - Colorization


Assignment - Colorization


For our last assignment, we are going to add some color to your artwork.

I want you to try out some of the techniques I demonstrated in the lesson, specifically using the selective color adjustment layers.

Feel free to experiment and have fun. Keep in mind the value of using complimentary color relationships like I did in the lesson. The cool greens and wormer oranges worked really nicely together. It’s very simple but it was effective. 

This is going to be the last critique so make sure you submit your assignment! Deadline for a video critique is Feb 1st.

Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
Loved the course! I attached my final piece (a little late for Halloween :D). I went for a seeds and vines theme. I am normally more of a lineart person. Therefore shapecarving was a very interesting alternative and I really like the result. I also liked all the tips with textures and different brushes. Glad about any kind of feedback.
Baptiste Desvaux
Here are some colors and some quick rendering using photos.
Baptiste Desvaux
And more of them for tyhe mantis family.
Miles Bensky
Here is my final Color assignment. I did this in Procreate so did my best to follow the different steps Scott showed off. Such a great course! Really happy with how it all turned out. Thanks Scott!
Andre Camargo
Hi everybody, here is my result from the colour assigment. I switched from PS to Clip Studio Paint and I am missing some colour tools and tricks, but for most parts, I found some replacement. I used selfmade brushes and textures from ( for grain and stains. For the colours itself, I played around until I found something that got me excited. It came down to complementary colours and (hopefull) a lot of "pop"!. Really enjoyed these lessons, the videos, the inspiration - Thanks Scott for the Course, it is appreciated. Bye, Andre
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Chief Creative Officer at Little Bang Inc. I'm especially passionate about character design, creature design, and sculpting.
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