Would really appreciate some feedback and criticism!
I honestly have no clue what I did wrong here...Something with the shadows maybe?
Nice start! It looks like you were possibly drawing the image or working on it in sections? I say this because if you flip quickly between the photo reference and your sketch, different parts of the body look correct, but are out of proportion from one-another. I would try to do a few very short gesture drawings of he image to get a feel for it, kind of what Steve Lenze was saying in his comment. Stan Prokopenko would also lay the reference photo over his drawing to see if the proportions were close (I saw him do this in a YouTube video for his channel). Hope that helps.
To start with, your drawing is lacking structure. The shadows are less convincing because the structure and anatomy isn't there, you just drew the contour which makes the drawing look mushy.
I did a quick sketch to show you the stages you should go through that will help your drawing, I hope it helps :)
Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely try to use construction more while drawing.