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What's a "help request"?
Lai Yu-Hsuan
When posting at discussion section one can mark the post as a "help request". But what does it actually mean? I think most people'd post for 1) clarification on the course content 2) critiques for their assignments. So almost every post would be, in some sense, a help request..?
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TeResA Bolen
Hi @Lai Yu-Hsuan =). Stan answered my version of this question yesterday when I asked about critiques. I think it can be either a request for a critique, or clarification. The thing is that as it is set up right now, anyone who wants to can answer that. I’ll see if I can find that thread...
TeResA Bolen
Here’s what he wrote - it’s in the section of Beta Testers under Improving Features or Suggestions: ”@Teresa Bolen the discussions is a place where people can contributed more info, ask for a critique, ask a question or simply say "cool video". “ Anyone can answer a request for help, not just instructors. Of course you have to consider who is providing the feedback as in any classroom. In the future I hope to launch a paid critique feature that allows instructors and vetted advanced students to make money offering critiques to students who need it. This also guarantees the person who needs a critique to actually get one. But, for now, only the free option is there and anyone can offer help.”
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