Unaware how much to charge
Anubhav Saini
Hello everyone i want to know what is the fair price to charge for the following in the American market please can anyone tell me!!! 1.portrait for a3 size and A4(also carricature) 2-single page comic strip with 5 panels(a3 and A4) 3-book cover design and for character design I do not know the fair price and I am confused how much to charge based on American market
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Melanie Scearce
A pretty common formula is cost of materials plus hourly wage of your determination. For example, if it takes you 3 hours to complete a portrait and you want to be paid $25 an hour, the total charge would be $75 plus cost of materials used.
Anubhav Saini
Actually I tend to draw slow so I feel like charging an hourly rate would really shoot up the price
Anubhav Saini
Thank you very much
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