Trying to implement the edges control
Maht C.
So, I've posted it in some communities but no one has given their thoughts about what I am concerned about with the topic. I learned that the controlled edges could make a better painting, but I'm not sure what to consider which part is better to let loose or stay sharp, Do you have any thoughts or experience about it guys?
Oh, but I appreciate any feedback anyway!! am forever thankful for it!!
Hey Maht C.
Your question about edges is a good one because it seems to be an issue with this painting.
The drawing is nice, and the colors are nice, but all the edges are hard. The problem with that is it destroys form.
Form shadows are soft and gradual, hard edges are used for cast shadows. If all the edges are hard, it flattens the form.
I did a quick paint over of the face to show you the difference. I will say that some artist keep all the edges hard as a stylistic thing, but if you goal is realism you need both.