Today's potrait no. 2

Hi guys! Another potrait by me today. I have implemented reilly as well as loomis methods. I have not started shading yet, so I thought I would get some critiques from you. I have used smooth cheap newspaper, along with a graphite 2b pencil. Critiques will be appreciated.
it's fucked up bro, the eyes are completely misaligned and the whole face is deformed, the thing for that is to use a 'cross grid' - draw the cross accordingly to the face's perspective, that will set as your rough guide, it can help you align facial features decently and easily
It's a good start! perhaps what you need to improve is the observation on the proportions of the features from the reference, with simple lay ins, like how mr proko or mr bradwyn draw portraits in their youtube videos.. hope this helps.. Keep up the good work!
it's fucked up bro, the eyes are completely misaligned and the whole face is deformed, the thing for that is to use a 'cross grid' - draw the cross accordingly to the face's perspective, that will set as your rough guide, it can help you align facial features decently and easily
This is a great start, as another has said, I think you might want to practice a bit more before you start placing features. This portrait's proportions are a bit off, mainly the nose is too big and the placement of the right eye is off. Otherwise, it's turning out to be a good portrait. The good thing is that you're already improving from your last artwork. Keep up the great work!
i would suggest practising more loomis heads without bothering with the features. If you do 10-20 loomis heads in a session, and get confertable doing so, it will help you place the features more accuratly on the face. other than that, great work