Study Group
Gannon Beck
My friend, Adam, and I have signed up for the Drawing Fundamentals course and was wondering if anyone taking the course would like to join our study group via Zoom. Adam and I have been doing drawing Zoom calls for a few years now, and have found that making a commitment to someone else to show up and draw helps to keep the art fires burning. It also makes the learning process more enjoyable.
We're doing a call at 7PM Sunday night Eastern Standard Time. We'll be bringing any progress on the course that we've made to date. We typically draw and talk art, comics, and movies through the length of the call which lasts one to two hours.
PM me if interested.
That's a nice way of "keeping the fire" indeed ! Wish success to the study group :D
Sadly for me it's 1AM so...
We do a few calls during the week--Tusedays, Wednesday (sometimes) and Fridays--at 3am before work. That should be 9am your time. Not sure if that would work for you, but you're welcome to join.