Spiderman vs Alien
Aaron Smith
Hi everyone, I did this piece a few months back. To me, it looks ok, but I'm sure there are problems with it that I'm not seeing. Any feedback would be really appreciated. Cheers
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Gannon Beck
This is really cool. I dig it. Any drawing problem has more than one solution, but one thing to keep in mind is that whatever you want the viewer to look at first, be sure to add contrast. You can contrast size, color, value etc. Here I've added contrast around Spider-man, which helps strengthen the focal point. Not the only way to do it--just an option.
The Sp5der Hoodie
I only like spider hoodies and I personally suggest you guys to wear a spider clothing.
Aaron Smith
Adding that light and shadow really does add more tension to the piece. Looks really cool. I think mixing that with the composition advice @Steve Lenze mentioned, will really improve my progress. Cheers :)
Steve Lenze
I like the idea and the poses, but it could use some work on composition. I would suggest you do several thumbnails to find the most dynamic composition before committing to your final drawing. I did a quick sketch to show you a more exciting composition, I hope it helps :)
Aaron Smith
Thanks again, Steve, for the critique. Composition is something I'm trying to get better at, so seeing the way you've positioned everything really helps. Cheers :)
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