Sekaa Sketch attempt

A sketch I did of Sekaa from the tool I downloaded earlier today on Clip Studio Paint. Critique comments and suggestions or advice welcome.
hello, human anatomy is the most difficult, so it's great that you're practicing on it, I'm in the same.
i would definition the shades. You can do it with the line or with shadows and lights.
I recommend is that you also put the image that you used as a reference here. I have several doubts regarding the pose, is it that rigid? Does the position of the right leg agree with the perspective? Where is the right arm?
I hope my comment helps you, keep it up !!
Asked for help
Some rough anatomical sketch drawing for practice of Sekaa's lower half from the reference image set. More following the outline. Also included a version with shapes overlapping the outline. Thoughts, critiques, suggestions, advice? All greatly appreciated. :)
If you're trying to construct the figure, try to focus on Gesture first then try to do the shorthand shapes (or Basic primitive shapes). don't get caught on Aesthetics yet..
Hi Imaginear.
Try to keep your sketches simpler and cleaner and draw following precise steps, you'll see that you'll immediately encounter less difficulties.
You did well to post the references, now let's see how you should proceed when drawing.
Take a good look at your photos and try to identify the lines that run through them, not the contours.
If you look at the line of the back and follow it downwards, you'll see that it virtually continues down the leg, all the way to the foot, a nice flowing S.
Draw this line to begin with.
Now look at the pelvis, just above the buttocks you can imagine a line going from one vertex of the pelvis to the other, sloping upwards.
Mark this line and use it to build a perspective box that will be a schematic pelvis.
Connect the leg that is not included in the main movement to this box.
What you should now have is a kind of very schematic skeleton, which you can use to construct very simple shapes for the legs, the pelvis (which you already have more or less) and the ribcage.
Once you have these shapes you can start drawing the muscles.
Only after that can you start applying some shadows, but don't worry about that for now.
For now concentrate on the gesture and don't worry too much about the rest.
Learn this step, slowly, until you feel you have understood it and can easily spot it by looking at a reference, after which you will be ready to move on to the next lesson.
And keep it simple!
There's no rush, it doesn't matter if you do it in a day, a week or a year, it's not a competition, you're here to learn :)
Nice work! However, the gesture of the body seems to be on the stiffer side. It will help to first draw the gesture/find the flow of the body then filling in each body part. It also helps to draw beans/boxes first as a proportional guide. Try to create long and smooth lines in one direction, as it will help with the gesture and guide the eyes down the body. In the drawing it looks like the lines were going back and forth. Hope that helps!
Hey Imaginear,
What Oliver said was good advise, you should simplify the body into shapes and simple forms. This will help you to think of the figure in 3D and in perspective. I did an example of what that looks like for you. I hope this will help you, keep drawing :)
I would think about simplifying the different body parts (ribcage, pelvis, legs, etc.) into simple forms (cylinders, boxes, eggs, spheres) and ignoring other things such as muscles, breasts, contours and whatnot. This does require you to know something about those though. is a great resource for learning to draw forms in perspective.