Screenless Tablet Ergonomics for a beginner?
Hi there, I've been trying to learn how to draw for about a month now and I am learning using a screenless drawing tablet for digital drawing. I'm having fun generally, but my motor skills with drawing still feel very poor, and I wouldn't say that I've noticed any improvements in terms of general comfort with my tablet or my ability to draw without very noticeably wobbling or missing target, even after a month of consistent practice. I understand that mileage is ultimately key and a month isn't that long; I don't expect to be "good," by this point. I can't help but feel like I am missing something or doing something wrong in terms of actually using my tablet, however. I find it really hard to even feel "comfortable," when sitting and using it, and when trying to draw with my shoulder. I'm trying to be conscious of keeping decent posture, I've tried the tablet both flat and propped up at a slight angle, and I've tried different heights for my chair to change the angle of my arm/hand in relation to the tablet. I also don't really know what to do with my hand, I keep it lightly rested on the tablet for support and I wear a glove, but there is still a very noticeable amount of friction I need to actively fight against to try and pull clean lines. Do I just need to learn how to draw without any support for my hand at all? I have also completely ditched using a mouse in favor the tablet in order to get mileage out of it even outside of drawing. Sorry if this is kind of an annoying post, this has just been the one big frustration point in an otherwise really fun and exciting experience. Its like I am trying to learn how to run with a limp. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated from those with similar experiences!
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