Robo bean and gesture drawing - looking for critique

Hi everybody, these are some of my robo bean and gesture drawings... i want to know if i'm going the right way and how i could improve. So i would really appreciate any advice you could give me. Thanks in advanced.
Hey @ana_101, these are really good! Your gesture sketches have a pleasing simplicity and a strong sense of movement overall. I also like that you’ve dared quite a bit with some exaggeration, such as in the torso twist in the large figure to the right in the 2nd page and the lateral bend on the small one a bit above the bottom right in the 4th page. As far as applying figure drawing fundamentals effectively, you’re definitely going in the right way!
As to what you could improve, I think @Affan Nemat and @Nicole Lee already pointed the main things that also pop to me: perspective and proportion. Let’s see:
. PROPORTION - In essence, it’s about the size relationship between the lengths of the bigger and smaller boxes, as Nicole pointed out, as well as their width to height ratio and the length of the gap between the boxes. If you do a little review of How to Draw Structure in the Body – Robo Bean, you can already get some key hints about all this - maybe take some notes or do little sketches / diagrams based on the video lesson so that you can quickly consult later on if you need a reminder. Farther ahead in the course, you’ll also watch lessons on the overall proportions of the body, which will also definitely help.
. PERSPECTIVE - As Affan mentioned, it’s about the convergence of the boxes’ edges. This is actually a subject that comes even a bit before the robo-bean: do you find yourself having difficulty drawing individual simple boxes in various angles? If so, make sure to take some time to study just that - once you feel totally comfortable drawing basic boxes in consistent perspective, you’ll find working with the robo bean (and a lot of the stuff that will come afterwards) much easier and clearer. You can find helpful information on basic geometric forms in Structure Basics – Making Things Look 3D. And if you want to really get specific about the nuts and bolts of perspective (which will certainly be helpful at some point in your journey), I’d recommend taking a look at Marshall Vandruff’s 1994 perspective series: And also at this handy series on perspective sketching for digital painting: These are resources I’ve personally used and found to be helpful - but keep in mind that, in general, perspective guidelines are always the same, so you can also find the same kind of information in pretty much every resource on the subject.
Hope this helps!
Let me know in case you have any questions!
Keep it up 🙌🏻
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Your handling and line work looks really good
Your line work and understanding of gesture is great! there are a few robo beans that seem to have a slight perspective problem though. like the one I've highlighted below. Notice how the yellow line of the box shape is smaller than the green line, when the green line should be the one that's shorter since it's farther away from the viewer. Try to find similar inconsistencies in the other robo beans and you should develop an even better innate understanding of perspective! Good job so far and keep at it.
thank you so much for the advice Affan, i didn't notice until you mention it, im gonna apply what you said
I don't think I'm good enough to help you improve, but I just wanted to say that the movements of your robo beans look really clear and natural!
Hi ana_101, these are really nice robo beans. The only thing I can think of is beware of the length difference between the torso part and the pelvis part. The torso part should be longer than the pelvis part. In some of the beans where no foreshortening occurred, the length of torso was drawn the same length as pelvis. Hope that helps!