recent 1 min gesture drawings
Jonas Gezels
Hello, recently I've tried to go back on my routine of doing gesture drawing as a warm-up, around 3 years ago I started to really focus on them following Glenn Vilpu especially but recently that has been lacking so i'm trying to pick it back up. I also started to go back through proko's gesture classes
I hope to improve again so feedback is much welcomed sorry about the picture quality
I went back to my more looser way of gesture drawing and also watched the proko landmarks video again as it has been a few years since I've seen it
continuastion, focused more on my line control and placing landmarks, these are all 1 min I didn't do much cause I wasn't really enjoying myself as they all looked like shit
Asked for help
I continued doing this , focusing less on contours but I feel like this time they are worse then I usually do my gesture sketches, they feel much less refined. and feedback would help
The gesture is very good, you definitely understand how it works.
I would only advise you to take care of your lines a bit more, as your scketches have the potential to be very clear and clean. :)
These look pretty good. Watch your proportions. I would also recommend focusing less on contour for these.