Possible Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Any cures/tips?)
Hey guys, I know this isn't the right place to put a topic like this, but I really need some help. I have been having pain in my forearm (tendons) and my mother believes I am developing carpal tunnel syndrome from drawing. The main worry is that I will be going into high school soon and I will be taking classes that require a lot of typing/writing. Is there anything I can do to reverse this? I don't want to stop drawing, but this seems like the only option. (The pictures attached are my most recent sketches from the past week, please critique as needed!) I am still a beginner, but I would love to continue in art. Thank you for your suggestions, they are highly appreciated.
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Honestly is to work out if you are physically able (ie. not bed ridden or have a doctors excuse), and do exercises for your wrists. Healthy body is needed to draw and sit for hours.
Elias Lemus
First of all.. DO NOT STOP DRAWING. I had issues and I was able to reverse them. Still working on it, but I have progressed. I had signs of arthritis and early carpal tunnel. My hand would swell and I'd get pain that shot from my shoulder blade down to my wrist. My hand would get numb as well. Then I had lower back pain. It was all connected. Here's the deal, I had/kinda have horrible posture and muscle imbalances from being overweight and sedentary. What helped me was 1. Physical therapy for posture and repetitive motion 2. Working out, to strengthen my body 3. Yoga 4. Deep tissue massages 5. Acupressure massages. Point is, the whole body is connected and I'd start off by excercise, stretching, yoga, and seeing a physical therapist. That's at least what has helped me and I went from being stiff in the morning to almost doing the splits. You can do it! And I never quit drawing. And as far as critique, you're doing great! What I would advise you improve is your structural drawing. Good luck. Also, I am not a doctor.
Thank you! I often forget to get up after long periods of drawing. I'll be sure to get out more.
Sketcher Ameya
Just try to draw everyday @Anfissa Pruitt
Peter Anton
Your drawings are incredible for your age and it would be a crime for you to stop drawing. You could try getting a big newsprint pad and some vine charcoal, and draw with your arm, so that your wrist and fingers don't have to do much work. It's probably all the little detail work you do with your fingers. Check if you're spending a lot of time doing other stuff that might hurt your hand, like playing video games or typing on your smartphone. Maybe try doing Yoga (yoga with Adrienne on Youtube) or look up Physical Therapy exercises/recommendations for carpal tunnel on youtube. Other options: draw with your other hand, do sculpture, do 3d modeling in Blender, learn photography. If you REALLY can't draw, figure out something creative you CAN do. Creative people gotta create or we go crazy (in my experience)
Thank you so much! I'll definitely check it out. I've actually been thinking about doing sculpture for a while, if you know anything about getting started that would be a life saver!
Your drawings are amazing! Everything is nicely detailed! For your wrist, I know this may not be what you want to hear, but I think you should listen to your body. My sister had wrist pain in her dominant hand (it wasn’t carpal tunnel, we never figured out what it was) but she didn’t stop doing the things that hurt it and it got worse. To the point where she needed a splint (like a cast you can take on and off, but it basically immobilized her wrist). Typing and writing, really any activity with her wrist, hurt a lot and she could barely do her school work. Eventually, she stopped doing the things that hurt and slowly started doing exercises to strengthen her wrist. She’s fine now and was able to go back to doing what she was doing before without anything hurting. Considering you’re a beginner and your wrist is an important part for drawing, I seriously think it would be much better if you did take a break (or at least tried doing less, stopping when it hurts). I think it would be much better to deal with this problem now, rather than taking the chance of it getting much worse in the future. Also, maybe get it checked out by a doctor if you can. I’m only talking from my experience and a medical professional could give you more help. I know this is a difficult situation but seeing the amount of work and dedication you put in your drawings, I’m pretty sure you will be able to get through this. Hope this helps and I hope your wrist isn’t a problem for too much longer!
I appreciate your insight, I'll ask about going to a doctor.
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