Portraits sketch from photos

Israel Gelman
Here are some of my latest sketches, would love to see all of yours, and get some feedback on where to improve.
Another mugshot, I got lazy with the hair, probably because I'm not that good with drawing hair, something for me to work on
I love mugshots, some of them have got a lot of character, tried to push the character a bit, without going full caricature, here are the results.
I include the reference in my posts, cuz I really would love some feedback on how I can improve, so if you got some, share it!
Here's another fun 20 min doodle, "carlos duran lady with glove" started out as a hand study, ended up doing the head to, I think it turned out OK given the time,
And morgan of course, I think I need to give this one another try, I think her right eye is too far, and the height to width of the whole head is off, what do yall think?
Hello Israel! Great drawings and thank you for sharing. Here are some areas that I see could be improved.
1. Right eye ( her left ) is a bit less wide in the drawing
2. Yes, the left eye ( her right ) is bit too far left
3. There is a slight tilt up of the nose in the drawing and the ball of the nose is slightly more pointed.
4. Fore head was shortened in the drawing along with the hair and hat. That hat is flattening out and losing it's shape.
5. The right side of the mouth is more pronounced in the drawing. Some areas of the cheek could be touched up as well.