Portrait attempt

Milan Cekić
Hi everybody! I just got into drawing for the first time. While making this portrait that I'm sharing with you now I tried to use all that I learned in the very informative portrait drawing course by Stan. I hope that some of you might have an opinion on what to improve on and how to go about it. Thanks!
I would make some of your half tones darker. Try to not leave so much of the face pure white or near pure white.
Yeah, you're right. It would look better and more accurate if the halftones were darker. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Milan! Good work and you have a likeness. The main thing I see is that the thirds of the face are off a bit and also the placement of the ear in relationship to the features. The ear sit lower on the head in this perspective. The drawing shows much more forehead than in the reference. Easy fix there. Also his jaw line looks a bit too feminine and soft compared to the strong angular jaw of FZ. Good work on the eyes!
Thanks for the feedback. It's amazing how all those details escaped me when I was looking at the finished drawing, and now I can see the mistakes clearly.
well in my opinion there is not much to improve one :-) If this is your first time drawing, I have to say I am struggling for years and never have produced anything as good as that, not even close. Also a big fan of FZ here :-)
Great drawing with high degree of likeness! I like how you captured the model's emotion in the drawing. Below are some of my suggestions:
- The photo chosen has the whole face mostly in light/subtle half tone. The face looks a bit flat as the half tone/plane change was not shaded. Choosing a photo with a single light source and stronger light/shadow contrast will better help practice shading and get familiar with the plane changes on the face.
- The hair can be treated with more attention. For example, from hairline to the top of the hair to be wider, light and dark contrast, and the thickness of the free flowing hair strands to be varied.
Hope that helps!
Thanks Nicole, those are all valid points. I am very dissatisfied with the way I draw hair right now as it's more of a frantic attack on paper than designing or capturing the shapes. :-) I'll certainly work on that. Also, good advice on picking the reference photo, it would be a wise thing to do.
I think you would benefit from doing more messurements or comparing angles and so on, but this is looking promising