oil painting
hey! i love working like this but i have lost confidence and im not sure if i should pursue fantasy work like this or carry on painting from real life which i am naturally better at but it doesnt get my creativity going as much. i dont get feedback on this kind of work so id love some please !!!
You have to be true to yourself! If this is the kind of art you enjoy making and it satisfies that creative itch, you for sure have to keep at it. Just looking at this painting, it really looks like something that YOU wanted to paint, and in my opinion, that has a lot of weight. You're leaning towards those surrealist/cubist aesthetics, and as Steve said, that stuff is so subjective that it's kind of hard to give feedback. But I do like it a lot, it looks cool and unique, It's definitely interesting. There's always stuff to learn from making artwork in different ways, and maybe it can be useful for you to study from life on the side, but don't let it ever get in the way of 'making art with a capital A' as Steve Huston likes to put it.
The reason its hard to give feedback on this kind of painting is because it is so, so subjective. Its hard to tell what you meant to do, or not. If I was going to say anything, it's that the figure is sitting on these heads, but the heads are not being affected by his weight. The thing is, I don't know if you did that on purpose or not. Other then that, I think the pose is really unique and cool.