Need Help with Proportions
So this is supposed to be my attempt at drawing Jenifer Aniston. This was a quick doodle so I don't really expect anything much. But Lately, I have been struggling with proportions. The people I draw or paint don't look like who they are supposed to be.
I was hoping that someone with an experienced eye could tell me what could be done to make this right and what I can do to practice getting better at making recognizable people.
Here's what I'm talking about: Try to understand a curve in terms of measurable lengths and angle relationships. If you can do that, then you can definitely imitate those lengths and angles to produce a faithful likeness
In my experience to get the right proportions it takes time, unless you are an expert on the field. If you want a general idea of what the subject looks like it's easier but if you want to really recreate the same exact person in the photo you REALLY need to take every small measurement and angle to do it right.
To speed up the process you should start with big geometrical shapes and keep comparing all the measurement untill you get a good result,
After that you can move to value while you try to check your proportions after each pass, you can see something different with the right value applied here and there.
Check out some Bargue drawing guide or similar. It should be helpful!
Another really important thing is to think in 3d forms and understand that you are representing a 3d object on a 2d surface.
Also use a plumline as someone esle already mentioned
One thing you could do is use plumb lines: draw a horizontal or vertical line to see how features align with each other. For instance, you could do one from where the hair parts to the chin. Here is a Proko video on drawing measuring techniques.