Need feedback on anatomy drawing
John Nahashon
Hello Prokoverse...
Kindly, I would like a critique of this figure drawing
Paper size: A3 (it's what I can afford at the moment)
Medium: Graphite HB <-> 4B
Please forgive and bear with me with the quality of the photo because I don't have access to a nicer camera.
I recently finished working on this figure drawing. It is the first anatomical figure drawing I have ever done. For what it is worth, by anatomical I mean drawing a figure while paying attention to anatomy and such.
I finished going through Stan Prokopenko's Anatomy course (the free YouTube version) earlier this year, and this figure is the first one I have done to apply the knowledge I acquired from the course. I want to become a good illustrator. My focus with this figure was on anatomy, rendering, and composition.
I would appreciate any critiques on those areas (anatomy, rendering, composition). If you feel you have something to say, kindly, pick any topic among those three that you feel most comfortable with, or even critique all three areas if you are willing.
Any feedback focusing on any or all of those three areas is highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for sparing me some of your valuable time
Hey John,
The drawing looks pretty good and it looks like you learned your anatomy enough to make it convincing. So, I'm going to focus on your rendering which gives the anatomy nice form, but doesn't do the same for the overall figure.
The problem I am seeing is that you are not comparing values to other areas in the figure. Also, you have to think about how the light is affecting the larger shapes of the body, like the torso shape, arm shape, leg shape, etc.
One way you can do this better is to squint at the reference. When you do that everything becomes either shadow or light. Once you establish this division, then you can start modeling the smaller forms.
Example: The light spot on the inside of the right triceps, you have it as the same value as the background. Is it? No, not even close. This is what I mean about comparing values to other values in the reference.
I did a quick and sloppy sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)