My most recent figure drawings!
Diego Garcia Figueroa
Hello good friends!
I figured (pun intended) I'd share my most recent figure drawing practices as my first post on Proko 2.0! These were all done during the past 6 months, and for the most part are between 2 - 5 minutes. I'd like to hear what you guys think I can improve on and if possible to also see your own! Thanks in advance, and have a great one :)
Came here to check out the new site, just wanted to say good job and keep up the hard work. I’m trying to get back into drawing seriously to improve my technical skills. Not sure how much feedback I can offer at my current level, but just curious, are these studies from imagination or from reference? If you’re drawing from a reference, you can try to challenge yourself by exaggerating/pushing the gesture in the poses and omit some of the details like facial expressions and some of the anatomy. Then you can start incorporating structure and proportion.
Impressive drawings! You use your time well. However, since you asked, I would recommend you try to include fewer anatomical details and focus on proportions. I can not be sure to what point is a stylistic choice, so I apologize if your manipulation of proportions is in your full control.
Thank you! That blur between stylized vs realistic proportions has always been tough, but it is something I'm glad you brought to my attention :)
Wow these are so awesome!! You have such a dynamic style, super appealing shapes. Really solid work, I just love looking at these!!! Especially those hands. If I had to say anything I noticed (nitpicking I may be wrong) but I think a few of your figures may have gotten a bit stiff, maybe too focused on the contours. But these are just 5 minutes or less so it’s bound to happen especially if your focused on getting appealing shapes, which is one of the most important things. 💯🙌 really nice line quality too!! The large majority of these look super dynamic, awesome.
Thx for posting Mattias. Your studies are extremely inspiring! As far as figure drawing, you already possess more than enough skills for storyboarding. If you handle environments and storytelling as well as your figurative images, you have a very bright future ahead!🔥
Thanks! Looking over them I do see some of them could be less stiff and have more of that good flow. You are very right that I may have focused too much on detailing those contours and muscles in some of them
Really really nice stuff! I like the way you use the lines, they add some nice weight to the figures!
Sheesh!!…these are really good. I can never get those breasts right and I like how you added some facial expressions. are waaaayyyy ahead of my gesture/figure drawing skills (especially my 2 - 5 mins one lol) so I don’t know what to say except your are nailing it ! Very clear and lots of weight in them. I like them a lot, good job !
Thanks! I also have been surprised with how much I've improved during quarantine. All it takes is to make a routine and follow through with it and do some gesture drawing consistently! I guarantee that after a month of these (daily or every other day) you'll reach an awesome level as well