Message for Proko (More Tracing Please)
Amir Ben-Nasr
I bought prokos anatomy courses and went through all of it twice. I also learned from other sources. I still find myself learning by tracing muscles on figures. Since it only appears twice (intro and hamstrings) in proko's anatomy course, I am learning from anatomy for sculptors, but they don't have any photos with tracings for the legs. Would it be possible to have more tracings as assignments (with answers) throughout the anatomy courses?
Thank you very much!
Hey, @Amir Ben-Nasr! Since Stan’s Anatomy course has already been produced and published, my guess is that he probably won’t add new content to it right now. But I’m tagging him here @Stan Prokopenko in case he’s able to share more information about this.
As a suggestion, one thing you can do is to search for photo reference you like, do the tracing exercises on your own and then post your drawings here in the community to get feedback. Since you already studied the lessons, you’re likely much more empowered to do this kind of exercise now without necessarily having to follow an example. And community feedback can certainly help you with finding possible mistakes or aspects on which to improve (perhaps even better than watching a pre-made answer video).
Hope this helps!