MasterSTUDY portrait sketches
Rayan Khlaif
Hi! Here are some sketches that I did recently (Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael Santi and Caravaggio).. I'm really passionate in classical drawing/painting and studying the old masters.. especially renaissance and baroque. I'm still 15 😅.
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Rebecca Shay
Lovely drawings! So impressive considering your age too. If you're into renaissance style drawing/painting, check out new master academy too. The courses they offer lean more towards your interests.
You should enroll into Drawing Academy if you want to learn classical drawing and techniques.
Steve Lenze
Hey Rayan, Your off to a great start, these drawings look really nice. One thing they all have in common is that the left eye (our right) are all higher then the other. I suggest you look at your drawings in a mirror as you work on them, this will help you see things you wouldn't normally notice. Keep up the good work :)
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