Loomis Eye Placement Question

Hi, I've been struggling with eye placement and the level of the eyes. I know for front view and side view the eyes are placed in the middle of the head. But with other, more complex angles, i have difficulties determining where to place the eyes. Especially the level. I've been trying the 1/3 between the brow line and nose line. Is this a good method? Thanks.
Look around you: eye level varies wildly between individuals, race and gender...
I think you need to observe more and draw more mindfully instead of always trying to recall the methods? Because they might confuse you if, say, you are drawing the face at an extreme angle and the lines don't match the usual directions of where they should be.
That being said, the 1/3 between the brow line and nose line does work. In addition to that you can try getting a lot of good reference pictures and drawing the placement lines on it directly. You can switch between drawing the placement lines separately and then drawing it over the reference picture, to see how far off or close you are to the actual thing. Or you can draw it over the reference images a couple of times and then draw it separately.
Other than that, just be mindful of where the features start and end, what angles they are at to each other, and other stuff while drawing and you'll get the hang of it with enough practise. I hope that helps.