Looking for critique - sketch for an illustration
Natali Santini
Here is a sketch for a new illustration of mine and I am looking for critique.
It is still rather rough but I did some clean up to clarify things overlapping and just make it less messy.
It will be a poster for students with straight A's at the end of the school year, inviting them to go to the ZOO for free. It's a piece for my portfolio.
The focus should be mainly on the title but I also wanted to let the viewer wander around the image and explore a bit.
The lines next to the edges indicate the bleed+margin so that I don't end up putting important elements behind that border.
If there are any obvious errors or anything I could improve in terms of composition etc., I will be very very happy to hear it!
Thank you!
Will the animals at the top be behind the letters, or in front? I ask because the letters will cover up the heads of those animals if they are behind.
Also, the penguin seems to be the only animal that is not to scale. You might want to define why that is.
Other than that, I think its a nice layout :)
Thank you for your critique! At first I intended the title to be see through with an "add" effect or other similar effect like that. But it still didn't look the way I wanted it to look so I ended up covering up some of the animals.