Looking for critique on current painting (preliminary phase)

Elias Lemus
I just started this painting not too long ago. It's in the sketch/preliminary work phase, so still solidifying the composition, color palette, value composition, etc.
I just wanted to hear some thoughts and suggestions! The idea is a girl with her cat out in nature stumbling across a crocodile and she's kinda non-chalant about it. I find it humorous! If you think the idea sucks and can be improved please say so! Any comments and suggestions to make the piece better are welcome!
FYI this is a sketch from imagination so perspective, scale, anatomy and some other things will be off. Lol thanks!
I think there is an opportunity to increase the atmosphere perspective and sense of depth by lightening the mountains in the background, color shift them blue as the green wavelength is lost at that distance. Also soften the edges in the background. The figure in the foreground is the focus and should draw the attention. Consider increasing the saturation and contrast in the figures.
hey @Elias Lemus I love your playful idea, however as a viewer I feel like there's no enough value and contract with the colours. one suggestion I would say maybe use a pinky colour for the lady's dress, this would help her stand out in the piece. also if you are making this into a digital painting you can add a black and white layer to see if there's enough value and contrast with your colours. hope this helps :) can't wait to see the finish piece.
p.s there are some great YouTube videos this is my favourite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkCVrNoqcBU
Just wanted to show you one of a few iterations I made after hearing your advice. Thanks so much! So far so good 👍
Hello Elias Lemus,I really like the idea!It remind me of a peter de seve illustration (see below).I don't particulary have much to say since the illustration is still in it's preliminary phase.The only critisim I have is a bit subjective,so if it doesn't sit right with you please ignore it.But I think personally the composition focus too much on the black cat.This may change if you add the face since ussually our brains focus in on object that has human faces,but personally I would add a dark spot behind the woman face so we could focus in on her face more and maybe exaggarte the shadow on the cat so it doesn't meet the lightest light.
Here's an overpainting if that helps,hopefully it look better,but if you don't like it,again please scrap this (Also I extended the branch so it would guide the eye to the woman)
BUt yeah,this seemed like a good idea,please keep going,I'm interested in how the final product will look like :D
Oh wow! Your suggestions are great! Thank you. I'm really liking it and it makes sense! Im not familiar with the other illustration but it's really cool! I'll have to see more of that artist's work. I'm embarrassed to say I'm not familiar with their work 😕 but I'll check it out. Thanks for the feedback!