Is it ok to use ai to clean up my art
Dennis Yeary
i used three my drawings and use ai to enhance it
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Hey, @Dennis Yeary, this is a hot topic! By looking at the images you've attached here, I think it’s relevant to notice that what the AI did is not what we’d call a “clean-up”. If we’re using AI as a part of creating imagery, I believe it can be important to understand and be aware of what exactly it’s doing for us. In the case of the two vehicles, the AI versions aren’t exactly much cleaner than your original drawings, but they do show a bit more solidity in the description of form and 3D space, as well as a more consistent hatching pattern and a slightly clearer use of line weight. So I’d say they’re actually new versions of your sketches plus a few technical enhancements (although the AI did lose the plane sticker with the “Duck 5” logo, which, to me, was the most fun part of your drawing!) And, in the case of the character, well, clearly, the AI version is not a clean-up at all. It’s not just that the AI modified aspects such as facial features, facial expression, clothing design, textures, form, line weight and anatomy - it’s HOW MUCH these aspects were changed. The AI version shows such a vividly different use of all these principles that it’s hard to say it’s just an “enhanced version” of your drawing more so than a whole new drawing altogether. It is my personal belief that, independently of our individual preferences and desires, the rise and growing popularity of AI will challenge and probably even change many cultural standards, including the constraints within which we think, understand and define "art”. I also think it's way too early to consolidate any consensus, since even experts are still trying to understand and manage how AI fits into society. With that said, my own personal opinion is, yes, I think it’s generally ok to use AI to help you create and develop your art - as long as you’re honest about it, of course, like @Izak van Langevelde pertinently pointed out. Yes, there may be a risk of some people not liking it, as @Toufiq Hassan stated - but, to me, whether people will like it or not is a different issue. The reason why I think being honest about using AI when creating drawings or any kind of image is so important is because one of the most harmful issues regarding digital media is the dissemination of "deep fakes", lies, distortions and misinformation - on viral levels, it can become disastrous. Having AI technology at our disposal claims for more awareness and responsiblity. People such as Hidreley ( and Bruno Sartori ( develop interesting and meaningful work using AI and, to me, they’re commendable professionals because they clearly disclaim that their work is made upon the use of AI, and they use it as a means to communicate their own genuine ideas and world visions. On the other hand, I truly dread and repudiate those who use AI to create media with the pure sake of deceiving, manipulating and messing up with the already complicated digital world. Fairplay makes all the difference.
John B
So, these are my personal opinions and they don't necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer. With that disclaimer out of the way, there's two ways to look at this and I think it's up to you on how you want to proceed. On the one hand, I could see you using AI as a concepting tool to look for design ideas you might want to implement within future drawings. You might even find some areas within the AI concepts that you think enhance the overall piece. If that gives you motivation to improve on those areas where AI has "made improvements" then in my view that's a positive thing. On the other hand, relying on AI too much could hinder your motivation to learn and become a band aid to fix areas that you need to spend more time practicing. It's also worth noting what kind of goals you're setting up for yourself as an artist. Are you someone that's just casually drawing for fun? If so, it may make you happy to see your drawing get put through AI just to see how it gets tweaked and I think that's fine. However, if you're aspiring to become a professional, AI art is going to be an overall crutch since you won't be able to use AI for the majority of your clients. After all, they'll want copyright protection for the work they're paying you to do and AI art won't have it. Anyway, I hope this helps, and I look forward to seeing more of your drawings.
Dennis Yeary
It does honestly my goal with ai is to create 2d animation. I thought it would me more productive
Toufiq Hassan
Learning art is, learning fundamentals > Drawing > Spotting Mistakes yourself/getting critique > Redrawing with what you have learned from previous drawing. If you use AI, you will never grow and learn anything. Also if you notice closely, AI completely changed your art style and changed a lot of things from original, like the clothes. But then again, just my opinion. Become a mediocre cheater artist if you want, That's one less competition for me
Thank you for inquiring in the community and being open to people's opinions. Don't listen to this person about competition, that isn't what art is about. Toufiq, the moment you condone competition within artists you feed the "more" mentality, and thus, the pro AI mentality you are so against.
Dennis Yeary
Izak van Langevelde
There is nothing wrong about using whatever tool to enhance art. Just be honest about it.
Toufiq Hassan
"Hello guys, look at this amazing art I made, It's completely traced and I forced someone to shade it for me" Nobody's gonna like it.
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