In need of digital painting critique
Hi I did this painting digitally. It took me a few months because I was busy doing other projects but I finally managed to finish it very recently. My goal wasn't to make it pitch accurate to the reference but for it to be believable and convincing. Critiques on shading, color, composition, measurement, or anything you can think of that is relevant will be much appreciated.
Hi persona937. I think its well polished work. If your goal was to make well polished picture i think u achived it. When i draw i try to focus more on repition, focus on volume of drawings. It better to do like 30 drawings in a month then do 1 well polished. But again if you wanted to make well polished pic you did it. I was drawing still life recently also you can check them i made a post in this section. They are not that poished but they took like 1-3 hours. Idk if it's helpfull i am also learning like you)
Not sure this is helpful, but as a newbie artist I had to examine the fabrics to determine the difference between the images. Something about the shadows - or what the other commenter observed about the lines. (I'm still learning terminology etc)
Hey persona937,
The thing about your painting that jumps out immediately, is your use of edges. All the edges in your painting are hard and crisp. We need a variety of edges in our painting because it helps us lead the viewers eye around our image the way we want. Hard, crisp edges are saved for our center of interest because they draw our eye. By contrast, soft and lost edges suppress less important areas of our painting. They also help sell the idea of depth.
By having all the edges the same in your painting, it makes it look flat, almost like the elements are "stickers" placed on the canvas. I hope this helps you going forward :)
Hey Steve,
I completely agree with your critique on the use of edges and line quality. It's hard to notice these things when I get so tunnel visioned trying to fix other things. I'll definitely watch out for this in my future paintings. Good eye!