I need feedback for this drawing
Miguel Nieto
I´m looking how to push this drawing further and I need any critiques
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Steve Lenze
Hey Miguel, It's cool that you are trying to say something with your painting. Because you are using a representational image of a woman, you should make sure that it is solid in its structure. You have some anatomy and proportion issues, as well as some issues with edges and values. The pose is really nice, but feels a little unbalanced, like she's falling to her left, which you might have done on purpose for effect. I did a quick drawing to show the things I'm talking about, I hope you find it helpful :)
Miguel Nieto
Thanks, that was just what I was looking for. Could you please tell me what are the issues with the edges and values?
Serena Marenco
Hi Miguel, I like your somewhat expressionist style, I don't know what you mean by your request, the head seems a bit small in relation to the torso, if you want to increase the drama (my guess), you could try exacerbating the torso twist.
Miguel Nieto
Thanks I will twist the torso a little bit
Christine Mitzuk
Hey this is really appealing! Could you please say a bit more about what you're intent is with the drawing? What your goal is with it? I could give input, but it may be inapplicable for what you're wanting to do with the drawing.
Miguel Nieto
I wanted to create a surrealistic atmosphere with the color blue and make a tension there using red colors to produce a vibration. I was looking towards critics on the formal structure, but if it is not related, you can leave yours here
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