I drew 3 dragons today and tried to make it looks like Heartstone’s dragons. I need critiques and feedbacks.
The Asian Sam
Hi, these are the three dragons I drew from imagination and using a palette similar to Heartstone. However, I don’t think I captured the magic of the style. Any suggestions to make it looks better? Thanks in advance!
I like them very much. One thing that bugs me is, on the first dragon you would not see the eyes on the other side, unles they are in a different spot on the head.
TAS - Nice work! You've got some really lovely things going on there with the lighting and design. I agree that Hearthstone nailed it on their magical style. If you want them to look more "Hearthstoney", here's a few suggestions:
1. Design. Hearthstone has a stylized realism to its world. Very solid 3D forms feel "real" within the picture in spite of the exaggeration. Look at how other Hearthstone artists have pushed and squashed features and proportions. Your dragons look too real world compared to Hearthstone's more fantastical aesthetic. HS things tend to have a clear and solid planar quality - surfaces simplified and emphasized. Look at how buildings (and other things) are kind of "chunky" with certain elements emphasized and proportions altered. Look at animated movies, 2D and 3D, to see how artists stylize characters and props to differentiate them from "realistic" versions. Hearthstone is similar to that, but with a traditional, hand painted finish applied to everything.
2. Painting style. Your style has an almost watercolor wash or oil glazing layered look to it where you can see colors showing through other colors on top. That's fine. But Hearthstone has a very opaque, solid painted look to it like oil/acrylic/guauche that hasn't been thinned. Some might say a "traditional" storybook illustration look. Everything kind of sits on a single layer. Lots of clearly separated and saturated colors that help clarify design shapes. Purple metallic armor on green skin, for example.
3. Clear textures. Hearthstone has an almost hyper-textured look to it's varying surfaces so that stone looks very "rocky" next to something that's metallic, or skin, or wood, etc. Surfaces are sometimes designed for visual appeal before strict realism. Again, colors are saturated. Those stone formations might have a purple cast to them. The leaves in the trees have sunlight illuminating them so they glow bright yellow and green, etc.
4. Silhouette. Characters and elements have clearly readable overall shapes that read well at a variety of scales. Use value contrast to support this idea.
5. Story clarity. Each character should be immediately recognizable from its attitude, shape design, costume, setting. Everything is telling the viewer, "This is who I am". Not subtle. One simple idea: Crazed Goblin, Poisonous Assassin, Steadfast Knight.
6. Whimsy. Every character and object in the game is designed to be a little (or a lot) over the top. Insanely evil demons with glowing eyes, heroic paladins with glowing armor and square chins of righteousness. It's all a little silly and tongue-in-cheek. Monsters may be horrifying, but also a little ridiculous. Finding that correct balance of humor is key.
Anyway, enough of that. I recommend that you take some sample Hearthstone artwork and do a direct and faithful, one to one copy of it. This should help more than anything as far as technique and color choices. Look up your favorite HS artists and see if they have any tutorials. Study their work. Follow them on instagram.
Good luck!
This is a very detailed feedback, I appreciate it a lot. thanks for taking your time. Yes, I think you are absolutely correct and I didn't have enough observation about the style. I will try out your suggestions next time.
Hi Sam. I dont know too much about it. But the dragons on heartstone looks more like solis drawing where they have colored in. While your attempt feels more as a direct painting and maybe more sofisticated painting.
Also, notice that they use background. And they do not make it to show in big scale. At the same time you need to recognize something in the card really easily. So it is simplificated.
Then, I would say that your dragons are more complex in the way you have worked them than the ones seen in the cards. In the card you have dragons that are mainly monocromatic (you have some variety, but not as in yours. I guess is the technick of the artist on it) . In yours, looks you have at least two main colors: one in the light and one in the shadow areas. They are fynne by themselves, but not as imitation of the style of Hearthstone's dragons. Where I see that black is the thing there are for the darks, instead of color.
Hope it helps. Keep it up!