Help with head abstraction for caricature

Hello, I have some trouble getting the abstraction right in this drawing. I can't get the center line right and the mouth area troubles me most. Also the brow ridge I find hard. Any help on this is more than welcome, thanks.
Attached are my attempt, the rough sketch and the reference.
In your drawing you went with a very slanted forehead and the back of the skull pulled back. In the reference I see the opposite, a very vertical forehead and back of the head. I feel you'd capture the essence of the subject better if you tried it the other way around.
Hey Wickedtuna,
I don't use the Riley abstraction, I use the Loomis method to line up my features. One thing that they have in common is the center line. This helps us keep things lined up on the face properly. It also gives the sphere of the head a sense of 3 dimensionality.
So, I did a quick sketch to show you what I found, I hope it helps :)