Head drawing practice

Hi guys this is some head drawing from some master. Please critique me
These drawings are good but in the first drawing the proportions seems off to me as the forehead is bigger than the Refference also the height of the head should be increased slightly also your nose is shorter maybe that's why your forehead looks big as for the hairs drawing the strands is the last step I would recommend you to watch proko hair tutorial.
Doing a good job here. It's good to copy master artists to get a feel on how they used linework. But to build the head it might be better to use a plaster cast. 1. Learn to build the head and get the proportions down first. Then work on the angles of the planes. Imagine that each line is a match or wire you are placing on the face. Glenn Vilppu says to imagine a drop of water is falling down the face. I found that advice helpful.
When drawing portrait or anything try to look for negative shapes like in the following image.
In the third drawing you drew the forehead bigger and the hair looks flat like in the first drawing. I think you should learn the underneath structure of the head like skull and planes of the head . Keep practicing you will become better
Can you share the corresponding refference so I could give a critique