Gesture Sketches. Any critique?
Jan D.
I am trying to improve a little in gesture. Would appreciate some critique on those:) 30 sec to 3-4min top to bottom: (I've duplicated the layer so that the lines are easier to see)
All posts
they look very clean and fluid! nice job
Jonas Gezels
looks pretty good, very clean and confident line work as well. what I suggests is to push the pose and gesture even more, I'm sure you've watch mike mathessi stuff and if not I recommend it much
Jan D.
Thanks Jonas I'll keep pushing!:)
Rubén Frutos
Hey Jan, beautiful work. The key is to fill in as many pages as this one as you can, so you're definitely on the right track. As to what you could improve, I'd tell you not to rush for completing contorns of the figures, take your time to measure proportions and distances, because some of them are a bit off, just slightly, not a big problem tho. Keep the good work up!
Jan D.
Thanks for the suggestion Ruben! I'll be sure to do that:)
Yiming Wu
You did it far better than I could do... and those are hard poses. I'm not sure how I will approach it to be honest. The ones I can do is like several "flow lines" that kinda hints the movements, and then I don't know what to do basically I just draw soft boxes along those lines...
Jan D.
Hah Yiming I feel you! I'm the same way often, have some time left and don't know what else to put down. Usually I try to think if the form is twisting or stretching or what perspective is it in and think of the lines that will best describe it.
Tom Tran
love it xD will you do some exageration in the future ?
Jan D.
Thanks Tom! Possibly a little yeah. Going for realism at the moment tho.
Chris Bodary
great Job! The 30” stuff is tuff! Maybe in those try and get the shoulder, and hip relationship angles the way you want them with gesture since I feel like they tell quite a bit about what the pose is doing and where the weight is going. They’re all good as far as my amateur eyes can see, keep grinding!
Jan D.
Thanks Chris! I'll do that:)
Gabriel Kahn
Hey there! Lovely work! I think you should put a little bit more practice in your lineart. Try to use softer lines instead, it really helps the form on these croquis.
Jan D.
Yeah I rarely do line art as a part of a final piece so I'm definitely lacking in that. Thanks Gabriel!:)
Dan B
These look great Jan! The only (very!) minor nitpick I'd mention is to be careful not to make 'sausages' where two lines come together at the same point, it can easily break the flow of the gesture.
Jan D.
Thanks Dan. I'll try to keep that in mind!:)
Serena Marenco
Well done Jan!
Jan D.
Thanks Serena!:)
Shaurya Jhaldiyal
Hi Jan, These look great! Your lines are very fluid and gestural I can make out the pose just looking at your drawings. You have really been able to capture the essence of the pose! These poses really remind me of Mike Matessi's force drawings. Great work!
Jan D.
Hah funny enough, i had Mike Mattesi's video on the proko channel playing as I was doing them:)
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